person writing with laptop in view

Opportunities for knowledge mobilization

Elevate your research impact beyond publication. 

Resources for non academic publishing such as articles, manuscripts, commentary, etc., on health-related topics in your area of expertise

Writing opinion articles for news sources

Other Resources

Additional resources that are useful for mobilizing and translating your research for impact beyond publication.

How to write an op-ed or column

A short guide on how to write an op-ed or column by the Communications Program at the Harvard Kennedy School.

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UCalgary knowledge mobilization resources

The University of Calgary Research Office also provides resources for knowledge mobilization.

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Seminar on Beyond publication: Elevating your research impact featuring Marcello Tonelli, Jennifer Zwicker, Jean-Christophe Boucher, Kelly Johnston and Tom Stelfox.

The Department of Community Health Sciences and the O’Brien Institute for Public Health